Does an impending OSHA inspection have you worried? If your hoist and cranes fail to comply with their standards, a hefty fine could be coming your way. But wait, there is no need to panic! The experts at Sissco Hoist are going to walk you through how to pass hoist and crane inspections so that your team can stay safe and profitable.
What is OSHA?
OSHA (The Occupational Health and Safety Administration) is responsible for ensuring safe and healthy working conditions for workers by setting and enforcing standards that vary for each industry. In the case of hoists and cranes, OSHA regularly inspects them to prevent the potential of future accidents from occurring.

Crane Inspection Checklist
The specific OSHA standard outlining the requirements for industrial cranes is 1910.179. Check it out for yourself when preparing for inspection. From making sure all cranes using lifting magnets have magnet circuit switches to ensuring that hoist ropes are not kinked, OSHA standard 190.179 has it all.
However, it’s definitely a lot to read and remember. We recommend running through it and removing all the legalese while highlighting all relevant sections; that way you can have a more direct checklist when preparing for an inspection. There are also crane inspection software and mobile apps that have been designed to streamline the inspection process. Whichever study habits you prefer, there are plenty of methods and resources available!
Hoist Inspection Checklist
Unlike with cranes, there is not an exact OSHA standard for overhead hoists. However, you can find most of the relevant information you need in the same standard: 190.179, in addition to 1926.554, which addresses construction standards.
We recommend you create easily digestible checklists for hoists too so that you won’t have to flip through pages of standards to find what you need to pass hoist and crane inspections. With a solid checklist, you can confidently clear your workplace from abnormal operating conditions and meet OSHA’s requirements.
How Frequent Are Hoist and Crane Inspections?
All active cranes and hoists must be inspected once a year, according to OSHA. However, additional inspections may be required depending on specific usage. For example, hooks and hoist chains require frequent inspections on a daily basis while monthly inspections are required for crane equipment. The latter must be performed by a certified inspector and kept on file.
Cranes and hoists are also periodically inspected for wear and tear. “Normal” or “heavy” service cranes are subject to yearly periodic inspections while quarterly inspections are required for “severe” service cranes. Not sure what the differences are between normal, heavy, and severe cranes? Let’s break down each crane class so you can truly ace your hoist and crane inspections.
Normal Service
These cranes are designed to handle loads averaging 50 percent of the rated capacity, with 5 to 10 lifts per hour. The average height for normal service cranes is 15 feet. They are often used in manufacturing facilities.
Heavy Service
These cranes are designed to handle large loads averaging 50 percent of the rated capacity, with 10 to 20 lifts per hour. The average height for heavy service cranes is also 15 feet. They are often used in fabricating plants and warehouses.
Severe Service
These cranes are designed to handle loads approaching rated capacity throughout their lifetime, with an average of 20 lifts per hour. Severe service cranes can operate at any height. They are often used in lumber mills or with container handling.

Need More Help Preparing for an Inspection?
Our highly skilled service team at Sissco Hoist is here to help you pass your hoist and crane inspections! From safety inspections and preventive maintenance to factory authorized hoist and crane repair, we can handle it all. Give us a call today and we’ll give you a free quote.