Each industry and business has different uses and applications for its electric overhead crane fleet. Since cranes are not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ purchase, you need to be able to determine which one is best for your facility. Some of the main factors to consider are the size of your facility, possible obstructions on the worksite, clearance requirements and the environment of your worksite.
Building Size
One of the most important considerations when choosing a crane is the size of your facility. OSHA requirements mandate that there must be a minimum clearance of three inches (3”) overhead, and two lateral inches (2”), between a crane and any obstructions. If there are height restrictions in your facility, there are options to increase trolley-clevis height. Trolley-clevis height is the distance from the bottom of the trolley clevis to the floor. This impacts the high-hook height, and limits the efficiency of your crane system. It’s essential to take the crane span, which is the span of the overhead beam, into account. Oftentimes, a site visit by the crane supplier required before design even begins, to help determine all of these critical factors. It’s also important to recognize that the best crane for your application may not be able to function within your facility, so compromises might be necessary.

Obstructions that limit your crane’s mobility can negatively impact, or even prevent, day-to-day operations. Give your facility a comprehensive inspection, taking note of all obstructions that could prevent the use of your crane. These obstructions must be considered with OSHA’s three-inch (3”) overhead and two-inch (2”) lateral clearance restrictions. It’s also critical look at the ‘circular coverage’ when selecting an electric overhead crane. Some other types of cranes, such as a jib crane, can offer upto 360 degrees of motion around a fixed axis. This requires a more thorough look at potential obstructions, from all angles off the jib location.
When deciding what electric overhead crane you need for your application, you must consider the environment where the crane will be installed and assembled. If your facility can fit a given crane but the crane can not be assembled within that facility – you do not have the right crane. Take into account if your facility needs a portable system that can easily be moved from one facility to another. For example, gantry cranes often require little to no installation, unless track-mounted. This may be the right crane for your application if you change facilities often, or anticipate a move in the future. Freestanding jib cranes require quite a bit of space and a strong foundation during mounting. Ceiling and wall-mounted cranes require no floor space, or foundation for installation. Assembling a ceiling-mounted crane requires ample ceiling support that not all buildings have. All of these factors should be considered long before you purchase a crane. Get in contact with a trusted electric overhead crane provider to discuss the best way to assess your worksite. They will take all of this into account and help you find the ideal crane for your application.

Electric Overhead Crane Experts
If you are planning on buying a crane or finding a reputable inspection and repair company, look no further than SISSCO Material Handling Equipment. For over 45 years we’ve made the manufacturing and maintenance processes more efficient, cost-effective and safe. Need repair or maintenance service? We tailor our crane & hoist service to your specific needs, providing you with highly trained technicians, mechanics, and electricians to ensure your equipment is running optimally at all times.
As a master parts distributor for all major manufacturers, we offer efficient customer service and same day service on our parts. We will help you identify the parts you need and work with you to minimize your downtime. We offer the best service in the business, don’t settle for less! Contact us today.